Human of the male gender.
Examples for "boy or man"
Examples for "boy or man"
1A boy or man that is habitually idle cannot be good,-markthat.
2If a light, then a human being, either boy or man.
3For the graver things, the boy or man is taken to the police station.
4The fact is, no boy or man can be too well equipped for his life-work.
5But boy or man I ever hated a book.
1No man or boy who ever lived in Pittsburgh but remembers its location.
2Around 1920, there was practically no man or boy not wearing a hat.
3I don't believe there's a man or boy that 'd squeal on you.
4And we quietly stopped the Moon, without man or boy being much the wiser.
5One man or boy each day at sunset until what was stolen is returned.
1He would then be allowed to go hunting with boys and men.
2The boys and men give them some of their strength and vitality.
3All these wrecks of boys and men, where are they to go?
4Here's to the unyielding power and passion of Black boys and men.
5The boys and men in white garments filed into their seats.
1It is not just young men and boys who are at risk.
2Press-ganging unlucky men and boys to serve on ships was common practice.
3It happens mainly to men and boys under the age of 34.
4It runs in families and is more common in men and boys.
5You see only men and boys talk it as a general thing.
1Somehow, the male human subject never does walk straight home with its cigar.
2Sarah heard the machine come on, and then over it a male human voice.
3An old male human crawled from one of the mounds.
4Below the surgically augmented head, the body was male human beneath tightly strapped leather.
5One of the male human-shaped babies stares up at me.
6To the noble belong male human beings and deities.
7She was still the same Vida that wanted to mother every male human on earth.
8I heard footsteps and smelled male human.
9Design: Blood from 89 female and 128 male human subjects was collected.
10He had forgotten about wanting to kill Sam; he was willing-nay ,anxious- tomurdereverymale human in Sunset.
11True, he was reticent to kill a male human being since murder was by definition a sexual act.
12It's clear that male human beings should never have been left in control of the world all these centuries.
13Five million adult male human beings had been exterminated by the machines of war, by disease, and by famine.
14It's a provoking way they have, those inscrutable women, which no mere male human being can ever conceivably fathom.
15Methods: This two way randomized crossover study was performed in 14 healthy, adult, Indian, male human subjects to compare bioavailability.
16It wasn't bad, only the girls run in bunches and are dead anxious to tie up to some male human.
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Translations for male human